Recall Sam Adams spokesman Jasun Wurster addressed council this morning with a handful of his allies in the audience—one gentleman wore a pair of sunglasses and a Stars and Stripes shirt, another a baseball cap with a placard attached, reading "LIAR." I couldn't take a photograph, I'm afraid, because my camera broke. Wurster told council he has 12 days left until the October 5 deadline, and has "distributed petitions for the potential for over 100,000 signatures."



But how many signatures has he actually got? "We don't want to get into saying how many we've got," Wurster told the Mercury. "Because the number will be too high for some people and too low for others. There were two possible wins for this campaign. One was to get Adams out of office, the other was to get people involved in the the political process, and that's already been achieved." "We've also got some big things planned for the next 12 days," he said.

Back in August, the Mercury found that the recall needed to gather 768 signatures a day to reach its goal of 50,000 signatures by the deadline.

Wurster had some harsh words for Sam Adams this morning. "It's not about you being a punchline, rather than a leader when dealing with critical youth issues," he said. "This recall is about our fair city, and the unfairness by which you stole an election. It is about your lies, cover-up and abuse of power in your desperation to stay employed."

Wurster also asked City Commissioner Randy Leonard, in relation to Leonard's recent run-in with a Leverage production crew member outside city hall: "Really, do you want to be known as Commissioner Randy 'F-BOMB' Leonard? Really, do you kiss your wife with that mouth?"