Among the concert flyers and yard sale signs on North Portland light poles, a disturbing advertisement recently appeared: posters for Northwest Front, a group "seeking a white homeland" in the Pacific Northwest.

The only photo I have of the posters is from local artist Sam Gould, who snapped a picture of one after making his own alterations.

Lightpole on the corner of Albina and Killingsworth
  • Sam Gould
  • Lightpole on the corner of Albina and Killingsworth

Though Gould says the poster directing Portlanders to the Northwest Front website does not use "overtly racist" language, the veiled intent of the sign is partly what prompted Gould to deface it. "Even if it's childish to write on them, I was pissed off. It's my neighborhood. I didn't want them to think they should spread propaganda here," says Gould, who spotted signs all over the Boise neighborhood while walking with his small son two weeks ago. "I felt like tearing them down, but they could just put them back up again. That wouldn't have revealed what was happening in the neighborhood."

The North Portland flyers are the latest in a series of recent racist flyerings. Last spring hate group the National Alliance posted stickers all over Southeast. Over the summer, a one-man white supremacist sticker campaign in Northwest Portland led to a dust-up between that man and anonymous anti-racist group Rose City Antifa.