Don't forget about our fun essay contest, where you jot down a 500 word (or less) essay describing your absolute WORST Thanksgiving ever... and the best one wins $200! Details, Shmetails!

These stories could include, but are not limited to…
• Family fistfights!
• Unsavory romantic interludes!
• Embarrassing announcements!
• Drunken debauchery!
• Gluttonous explosions!
• Near-death experiences!
• House fires and/or skin burns!
• Or… you know… whatever!

The most readable essays will be printed in the Mercury’s “Worst Thanksgiving EVER!” issue on Nov 26, with the best entry receiving $200! (Stick that in your gravy boat!)
Send your entries via email to me, with “Worst Thanksgiving Ever Essay Contest” in the subject line, and be sure to include your name and daytime phone number. ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE 500 WORDS OR LESS, AND ARE DUE NO LATER THAN NOON, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20!

Please God... Let me win the Mercurys Thanksgiving Essay Contest. Oh, and give Susie leukemia.
  • "Please God... Let me win the Mercury's Thanksgiving Essay Contest. Oh, and give Susie leukemia."