AAAA! Today's the day! Voting day! Our Measure 66 and 67 race is all the gossip from LA to NYC and the Associated Press agrees with what we've been hammering at the past couple months:

"Polling suggests the results on Measures 66 and 67 will be close, and the outcome may depend on turnout."

That means it's very important for you to turn in your ballot! Have you voted? Has your girlfriend voted? Has your housemate voted? Mine swore she'd drop her ballot off at election headquarters today... if she falls through, I'll be spitefully not doing dishes for a week.

Turnout so far in Multnomah County is pretty solid: 46 percent of registered voters have already turned in their ballots. The last two special elections received just 15 and 24 percent of the vote.

Hot Tips for Election Day:

• If you didn't receive a ballot, you can still vote! If you're registered to vote but changed your address and your mail-in ballot is AWOL, bring a photo ID down to your county election headquarters (Multnomah County's is 1040 SE Morrison) and you'll get a ballot on the spot. If you don't have an ID, you just need to know the last four digits of your Social Security Number.

• If you're not registered to vote, you're shit out of luck. Register for the next election in May, kid.

• If you're a slacker who hasn't voted yet, you can deposit your ballot at one of the drop sites (like Pioneer Square or any library) until 8 PM

• Don't forget to sign your ballot! If you're a schmuck who forgot to stick your ballot in the "secrecy envelope" before putting it in the actual envelope, don't worry. Your vote is still valid.

Vote yes!

ye olde voting