Yesterday Nintendo announced the imminent arrival of its next handheld gaming system, the successor to the Nintendo DS. The big shocker? The portable will be able to display 3-D graphics without forcing gamers to wear silly glasses.

Like this, only not terrible
  • Like this, only not terrible

Dubbed "3DS," the next big thing in portable gaming is due for release in early 2011. It will be able to play games created for the current generation of Nintendo handhelds, but will also be able to play specially designed 3DS software that boasts fancy effects like the 3-D magic I mentioned above.

There's no word on how much this thing is going to cost, but knowing Nintendo's goal of controlling the hearts and minds of children everywhere, I think it's a safe bet to peg the price tag somewhere between $150 and $200.

Before you start scratching your head, wondering how Nintendo could possibly make games that take advantage of the oft-lame 3-D technology, keep in mind that we were all puzzled when the company opted to add a touch screen to the original DS or motion controls to the Wii. Those two systems have made the company mountains of cash, so unless the thing only displays games in various shades of red, have a little faith that they know what they're doing.