Like music, film, and television, video games have long been the target of creative mashups. Taking key elements from two beloved properties and merging them almost guarantees an end result instantly beloved by nostalgic fans. It takes a minimum of effort to create a mashup and offers ridiculous amounts of fan affection, so is it any surprise that mashups are so common?

On the other hand, since there is so little creative effort necessary in creating a mashup, and they are often constructed by creators looking to escape the pressures of having to build something original, is it any surprise that the vast majority are often horrible?

Every once in a while though, you get something like today's subject: A fictional mashup of Capcom titles so well conceived (at least aesthetically), that I'm desperately wishing this hybrid was for sale at my local Gamestop.

Zombie Ryu
  • Zombie Ryu

Artist (and obvious Capcom fan) Manuhell awoke one morning wondering what exactly the love child of Resident Evil and Street Fighter would look like. Instead of wasting everyone's time with yet another ineffective online petition begging Capcom to release Super Resident Evil 4 Hyper Fighting: Match Of The Millennium, Manuhell took things into his own talented hands and created an online photo gallery full of T-Virus infected Street Fighter pugilists in various states of undeath.

Normally I wouldn't cover something as commonplace as the game art equivalent of erotic fan fiction, but Manuhell's images are positively on point. I've posted a few more of my favorites past the jump, but if you want to see the full gallery you can find it here.

Tyrant-style Sagat
  • Tyrant-style Sagat

Licker Blanka
  • Licker Blanka