I was initially against Patrick eating the KFC Double Down. I was not vocally against it of course, because I, like you, wanted to watch someone consume a chicken-on-chicken bacon sandwich. It sounded like a chicken-on-chicken train wreck and I wanted to survey the wreckage. But now that Patrick has opened the flood gates by welcoming the KFC Double Down into his arteries, we should not be opposed to suggesting things.


For approximately $35, you (and Patrick) can enjoy a delicious mini dog pizza at participating Japanese Pizza Hut restaurants. Rather than filling the crust with bullshit cheese like we Americans have been wont to do, the Japanese have raised the bar and introduced tiny hot dogs into the pizza crust. Beyond that, I can make out only cheese, mushrooms, and perhaps... bacon? from the photo above.

If you're wondering where such ludicrous ideas are born, you already know the answer. Scroll to the bottom of the website to find:


H/T to Andrew, because I do not make it to the Japanese Pizza Hut website often enough.