Remember that credit card commercial with the killer Rosemary Clooney track? The one where the guy is tossing pizza dough in a fancy, dimly lit restaurant, and he's flinging the dough around in in slow-mo like some kind of Harlem Globe Trotter of pizza?

Yeah. That restaurant doesn't exist. Sorry. HOWEVER, The fancy dough-tossing is no fiction! Every year at the World Pizza Championships, artful dough tossers gather for a pizza tossing showdown, choreographing their flashy routines to music. Eat Me Daily has a handful of videos from this year's competition. Here's a sample:

Beautiful. Couple of things, though: Please, never serve me a pizza that you've been dragging across the floor. I don't care how sweet your moves are. Also, that's some seriously elastic dough! Say what you will about gluten, it sure does make for some fantastic pizza showmanship.