With all this talk about people protesting, blogging, rebelliously stripping or crying while saturated their own urine, you'd think the TSA was some sort of soulless Third Reich-inspired job-networking party for sex offenders. But it's not. And in the middle of all this outrage, it appears the true victims are being ignored.

Latex gloves: not shame-resistant
  • Latex gloves: not shame-resistant

Perhaps your right ball got jostled a bit today. I bet that was uncomfortable. But imagine if you had to get up early in the morning, put on a uniform, and then spend eight solid hours endlessly jostling the nut sacks and love handles of thousands of America's stinkiest commuters. Picturing it yet? It's a dark place, isn't it? Kinda feels like driving past a fiery car wreck right after complaining about slow drivers, doesn't it? Yep. It does.

And those folks are now coming out about their frustration, adding a new voice to the uproar. An article in the Daily Mail quotes the despair of several Transportation Security Officers...

"I just want to tell these people that I feel disgusted feeling other peoples private parts, but I cannot because I am a professional."

"It is not comfortable to come to work knowing full well that my hands will be feeling another man’s private parts, their butt, their inner thigh," one [TSO] told the BoardingArea blog. "Even worse is having to try and feel inside the flab rolls of obese passengers and we seem to get a lot of obese passengers!"

I hope this story makes you appreciate what you have. I'm going to go call my mom right now.