GOOD MORNING, BLOGTOWN! Some like it hot, but you can't tell how hot 'til you try. Some like it hot, so let's turn up the heat 'til we fry. LET'S GO TO PRESS!

Republican Michelle Bachmann announced her run for the presidency today, thrilling lovers of ridiculously idiotic quotes everywhere.

Not sure why I was surprised by this, but I was: The Los Angeles Dodgers file for bankruptcy.

A U.S. drone kills six militants in Pakistan (expect the government to arrest the drone and put it on trial any day now).

International judges order the arrest of Moammar Gadhafi—and hey! I spelled that right without looking!

Citibank acknowledges that close to $2.7 million dollars was stolen by hackers. (And voila! Hollywood has their screenplay for Oceans 14.)

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" jacket sells at auction for a whopping $1.8 million. (I'm beginning to suspect that the wrong people have all the money.)

Actors Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz are secretly wed. (If a Hollywood couple get married in the woods, and a paparazzo isn't there to shoot it, did it happen?)

Yesterday's NYC pride parade was especially joyous after Friday's late night passage of same sex marriage.

A Portland woman was killed in a hit-an-run accident—the driver freaks out and takes off all his clothes. That's hard to explain. Or maybe it isn't.

In local "in case you missed it" news: this weekend another gay assault occurred (this time with an intervening "good Samaritan" getting a beat down); two murders in different parts of Portland, and Dallas takes down the Timbers.

Now here's what's going on in your neck of the woods: Muggy and 80 today with the possibility of rain tonight.

And finally, today try to do your job as good as this pancake flipper. (But with a bit more enthusiasm maybe? Thank you very much.)