This anecdote from Politico about how the two candidates behaved during Iowa's famous* Black Hawk County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day dinner really says it all:

Perry arrived early, as did former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. The Texas governor let a media throng grow and dissolve before working his way across the room to sit at table after table, shake hand after hand, pose for photographs and listen politely to a windy Abraham Lincoln impersonator, paying respect to a state that expects candidates, no matter their fame, to be accessible.

But Bachmann campaigned like a celebrity...She camped out in her bus, parked on the street in front of a nearby Ramada Hotel, until it was time to take the stage. Even after a local official’s introduction, Bachmann was nowhere to be found. It was not until a second staffer assured her that the lighting had been changed and a second introduction piped over the loudspeakers that she entered the former dance hall here. By the time she made her big entrance to bright lights and blaring music, the crowd seemed puzzled.

Romney, of course, wasn't there. That says a lot, too. If you want to see what Perry said at the dinner, both his speech and the Q&A can be found right here.

* I mean, I guess, it's famous. Iowa famous, that is.