Did you have fun at Saturday's Naked Bike Ride? Then this I, Anonymous might be for you!

Dear friend, who keeps on smugly reminding me how much fun you had at the naked bike ride. Please stop asking me why I didn't go. First of all you live less than 3 miles from work yet you get in your car everyday to get there. I commute to work everyday except maybe 3 or 4 weeks in the dead of winter. You now consider yourself a bicycle activist? Are you kidding me?! You are nothing more than an attention seeking, pitiful, narcissus.

It's spelled "narcissist"—but whatever! That would make me mad, too! Actually, it wouldn't make me mad. I'd be happy this lazy fuck was getting on his bike for whatever reason. Maybe the person who wrote this is the actual "narcissus"? Or maybe I should take my stupid opinions to the comments. Let's go the I, Anonymous Blog together right now, what do you say? And be sure to drop off your own confession or rant while you're there! And btw, I'M NAKED!
