“She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me, and I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men.”

This is my favorite miscasting news ever:

Vincent Kartheiser, best known for playing upright puddle of unlovable slime Pete Campbell on Mad Men, is going to play Mr. Motherfucking Darcy in a new stage adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The production is directed by Joe Dowling and adapted by Simon Reade and will be presented at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis.

I'm so ready for this to finally ruin Pride and Prejudice for everyone. I'm going to move to Minneapolis for the duration of this show just to spend every night watching women's faces fall as their sweetest, softest piece of literary-fantasy man-candy is conflated with the bitter, pomade-and-failure-flavored after-sex mint that is Pete Campbell.

But good for Vincent Kartheiser. Way to beat that typecasting, man.