  • Courtesy Netflix

Season four of Arrested Development kicked off on Netflix Sunday—and did you seriously sit there and watch all of it? Please tell me you didn't. Anyhoo, Todd VanDerWerff of the AV Club watched the whole thing and had this to say:

How much you like the fourth season of Arrested Development will depend on just how quickly you can accept that it’s a show that looks a lot like Arrested Development and shares most important elements in common with that show but is also another series entirely, something more like Mitch Hurwitz and the cast of that earlier show got together to make a bunch of loosely intersecting short films about the characters from the earlier project, each with its own tone and point-of-view. It’s an occasionally hilarious, sometimes boring, always bloated boondoggle of a project, and it’s the sort of thing that’s at once staggering in its ambition and hard to approach with anything like real affection.

I watched the first episode, and so far agree with Todd's assessment. There's something a bit distancing about the new season—and the former series as well—in the rat-a-tat-tat rapid fire of jokes that you have to listen to so hard that by the end it's both headachey and exhausting. Don't get me wrong, still good stuff for sure... and though the first episode generated only a couple of belly laffs, it's still sooooo much better than the Mike & Molly's of the world. BUT WHAT DID YOU THINK?? Vote below, and sound off in the comments. (BUT WATCH THOSE SPOILERS, PEOPLE.)