Supporters of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi clashed violently with his detractors Friday, with little sign the turmoil's going to abate any time soon. More than 30 people were killed in yesterday's violence. The country's interim leader is meeting with the military and in general trying to find his feet amid the chaos.

Meanwhile, leaders here in the US have been kicking back, celebrating freedom. Secretary of State John Kerry said he wasn't yachting, but he was absolutely yachting. Bird's gotta fly and John Kerry's gotta wear topsiders.

Ever-willing to antagonize the US government, Venezuela has announced it will give sanctuary to Edward Snowden. "In the name of America's dignity ... I have decided to offer humanitarian asylum to Edward Snowden," President Nicolas Maduro announced during a celebration of the country's independence day. Problem is, it's not remotely clear how Snowden would get to Santiago de León de Caracas, which I just learned is the official name of the Venezuelan capital. A plane carrying Bolivia's president was pulled out of the air earlier in the week because authorities thought the whistleblower could be aboard.

Snowden, by the way, has made quite a home for himself in the Moscow airport where he's spent almost two weeks. Friendly, outgoing and a touch naive, Snowden quickly won over the airport's many employees, and even has a burgeoning relationship with a flight attendant. Stanley Tucci's not happy, though. (This is the plot of The Terminal and perhaps not strictly true in the case of Edward Snowden.)

The state has rested its case against George Zimmerman, accused of murdering Florida teen Trayvon Martin, who was walking home from the store when Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, decided he was suspicious. The central contention in the case, so far, is whether it is Martin or Zimmerman who can be heard screaming in a 911 call that recorded the incident.

An oil-toting train derailed early this morning, sparking an explosion and a fire that have leveled much of the small town of Lac-Mégantic, Quebec.

You guys seen JT's new video? Me neither, because it's filled with nudity and not allowed on YouTube and that's my only option in this day and age to view it. Rats!

China's beaches are disgusting but fun-looking? "Sea lettuce."

It's cloudy and chilly as I write this, but by the time you guys wake up it should be a pretty excellent day.


I can't watch his new video, but, damn it, I can still watch this JT classic on loop. Like the good old days. I wish I was joking.