VISCERA CLEANUP DETAIL Everything in its right place.
  • VISCERA CLEANUP DETAIL Everything in its right place.

I saw this on Polygon last week and I can't stop thinking about it, probably because it directly taps into the part of my brain that's obsessed with space stations and crap, as well as the part of my brain that's obsessed with having everything in its right place. (These two parts of my brain make up the entirety of my brain.) The game's called Viscera Cleanup Detail, and even the synopsis is great:

Disaster! An alien invasion and subsequent infestation have decimated this facility. Many lives were lost, the facility was ruined and the aliens were unstoppable. All hope was lost until one survivor found the courage to fight back and put the aliens in their place!

It was a long and horrific battle as the survivor dueled with all manner of horrific life-forms and alien mutations, but our hero won out in the end and destroyed the alien menace! Humanity was saved!

Unfortunately, the alien infestation and the heroic efforts of the courageous survivors have left rather a mess throughout the facility. As the janitor, it is your duty to get this place cleaned up.

I have watched the video below like four times now. I should probably just get the game.

More info here.