I am relatively new to your column but I have an issue. I grew up in a conservative Christian household. We had good and bad times but my parents always stood strong together—or so I thought. I have two older siblings, both in college, and I myself have two children full time. I went to my parents the other day with the babies and while I was there I got spit up—of course—and while I was in the bathroom cleaning up I knocked over the magazine stack. I went to pick it up and my mothers journal was in it. I snooped. Apparently my mother hates my father and doesn't know how to sleep without drinking and wants to kill herself. That in and of itself was troubling enough. But then I went to one of my brothers to try to talk it out and see if I should take what she wrote seriously. Should I be concerned? Was she just venting? And he told me that our dad had confided in him that he wasn't happy with mom but couldn't leave! Also: my brother used my dad's computer one day and when he opened it was on some very intense gay porn! We have no clue what to do. Pretend we never saw anything? Or sit out parents down and say maybe it's time you guys split so you can be happy?

Concerned And Worried Daughter

My response after the jump...