It's weird, in light of recent history, to feel good about anything John Boehner does. But his words and actions around this latest budget deal seem strangely, uncharacteristically rational. For that he gets kudos.

Guns: Still making us safer.


Terrifying news, everybody. You know those creepy robotic dog videos that will occasionally cross your path? Google now owns that company. We're all in a lot of trouble.

China's on the moon, and they're doing it with a poet's hackneyed soul. The Jade Rabbit landed on the Bay of Rainbows today.

The country's maritime pursuits are more-erratic, of late.

There is very little worse than this tale of a California woman who languished in a little-used hospital stairway for weeks before her body was found.

Good old tepid, drizzly Portland winter is back, so we can officially feel smug about the wintry woes out east.


Remember last week when I told you all how much the impending Michigan State-Ohio State football game was to me, exhorting everybody to root for the Spartans? And how everyone ignored me? Well good news, guys.