You know MercPerks for supplying you with terrific half-off deals from all your favorite local businesses—BUT CHECK THIS OUT. Now they're teaming up with very generous local businesses to host the first-ever MERCPERKS CHARITY DRIVE.

Currently there are ten awesome packages (and only ten!) filled with fantastic gift certificates for food, drink, theater tickets, jewelry, t-shirts, Car2Go driving credits, clothing, shoes, comedy performances, and more—each worth at least $150 and going for the low, low price of only $70 each. AND HERE'S THE BEST PART: Every penny that's made from this quick charity drive will go to Right 2 Dream Too, and their continuing efforts to assist the homeless. Read more about why they are vitally necessary here.

Needless to say, these packages are a STEAL and there's only ONE EACH. That means they will be gone lickity-split. SO THIS IS YOUR ONLY NOTIFICATION. Hop over to MercPerks now and snap up the absolute best deal in a blue moon... and remember, its all for charity!

Thanks again to all of our generous local businesses who donated their goods and services for this great cause. YOU'RE THE BEST!
