Not only should you be pathetically ashamed of the miserably inadequate douchebag mother that you are, for not seeing or even speaking to your kids in over six months. But, you should also be shamed, and spit in the face by every single parent who’s waiting for subsidized housing.

I recently wrote a rant about you in the past few months about how you have a duii from two years ago which you refuse to take care of, while mooching off my best friend (including living at his house). I wanted people to read that mothers who have warrants for their arrest like you do, and who claim their kids for benefits to sell them for a cash value, really do exist. I let participating in being angry back then go, because frankly you’re just not worth the time… Until today!

Are you fucking kidding me, that you have a fully furnished section 8 house that you choose not to go home to every night? You haven’t seen or spoken to your kids since before Christmas, and yet you live in government housing? Housing that you applied for, so you could raise your kids to some kind of decency. Housing, which is now no longer available to the family behind you in line at the welfare office, because you got it first. You’re a piece of shit, self-absorbed, do it wrong junkie, and I’m calling your case worker!