You. Stupid Teenager coming to my Emergency Room, to get a Goddamned Pregnancy Test.

I said nothing, and DID nothing, so as to keep my VERY well Paying Job, (Money is a benefit for people, like me who didn't screw up their lives, having sex so young!)

What I really wanted to do, when you showed up, was throw several hundred condoms at your SKANKY teenaged butt... I also wanted to take a dollar out of my own Goddamn Pocket, to give you, so you can run down to the Dollar tree, and purchase one Pregnancy Test, (The SAME one we use, BTW). Instead, Me and all of the other taxpayers are going to shell out a lot of unnecessary cash, for your STUPIDITY!

Since I could do nothing, when you showed up, I'd like to give you some advice: THE EMERGENCY ROOM IS FOR SICK PEOPLE...Not Some stupid teenager, who wants to find out if she is going to have another kid. Go Get a FUCKING JOB instead of Fucking all of the boys at school, if you have all that time on your hands!