My neighbor decided to continue the 4th of July festivities last night. When midnight came and my annoyance and frustration reached its climax, I thought about what the all-knowing and ever-wise Mercury commenters might advise. Well, first of all, it would probably be my fault that I chose this neighborhood and didn't do my due diligence in researching all the behaviors of my neighbors. Because I didn't perform background checks on all of these people, it's my fault for being annoyed at such behavior, so I let my frustration dissipate into my pillow. When 1:00am came, I thought about calling the police, but then remembered that no one likes a "tattletale," so I wallowed in my own deserved misery, tossing and turning into the night. The morning finally came and I found pieces of fireworks on my roof and backyard and I almost… almost... got angry. But, I then realized that I shouldn't care about such things and that I should just mind my own business. I'm tired and have a headache today, but it's completely my fault. If my neighbors choose to shoot off more fireworks tonight, perhaps I'll finally learn the lesson that I am to blame for everyone's actions…and that they all have the right to do whatever they please, neighbors be damned. If I don't like it: I can move. If I lose sleep: too bad. If my house catches fire: it's justice served. Oh wise ones typing on greasy keyboards riddled with food crumbs, please take a moment from your "busy" day to teach me more: