-Do not make the FTEs look bad by working harder than them (remember, you can be let go because a FTE wants you gone without having any proof to their claim about you doing a poor job).
-Do not leave 10 minutes early from the time you are supposed to leave. Someone will be watching you. (Tip: send an email to yourself so you have proof of when you come into “work” and leave).
-Do not expect any of the FTEs to know how to do the job you are assigned to do (Tip: the contractors who have been doing their job for a while will know how to their job correctly).
-Do not expect to be treated like a human being. Constantly, you will be reminded how you are not a part of BPA. Want to go to the company picnic? Get ready to pay $7 and go on your lunch break (and if you go over, make sure you make up the time you did not “work”).

-Do keep looking for another job if you end up there, unless you like a high paying dead-end job.
-Do remember you can be let go at anytime for no solid reason.
-Do your best to make friends (or at least pretend to like them) with the FTEs that are your co-workers. These are the people who decide if you keep your job or not.

-Never go on vacation. When you get back, you will find your best employee is gone.
-Stop talking about how your department needs to become more efficient and do something about it. You need to fire most of the FTEs.
-Put your efforts into watching how the FTEs work and not the contractors. The hiring freeze is almost over and pretty s