For the love of all that is holy, if you are a woman who does this, or you know a friend who does this, please tell them to stop. Stop looking up in your photos. We all know why you're doing it: To disguise your weight and make yourself look thinner. Not only is it just bizarre to see a woman looking up as if there's a camera on the ceiling, it's all too obvious why you're doing it. I see it ALL THE TIME now, on the dating site I'm on, on Facebook, on Instagram… just stop it! Really, you all need to stop, it just makes you look ridiculous… like those HORRIBLE mom jeans. Ugh, I need to move out of the town even though I was born here. I also need to stop writing this rant because I've run out of stuff to say. I'm just worked up, I guess. It's been a long day and I taking it out on you people. I apologize. Really, I'm sorry for ranting. I know you women probably do it because you feel judged by men, society AND other women. It's a reaction to a more serious issue in our society… I'm just saying, you don't have to contort your body in odd poses to please people. If they don't like you for you, then fuck 'em.