"Misplaced Vaguebook- When your passive aggressive posts meant for that special someone can be truthfully applied to all of your friends..."

So you read a book. Good for you, first time it wasn't the Bible in a few years, how'd that feel? Enlightening? I bet it was! So whereabouts did you get the impression that the meaning of the book was that you have to destroy a perfectly good man to find yourself? Oh! the movie! That's right... You didn't read the book. You saw Julia Roberts prancing around Italy having a grand ol' time after she left her family in ruins across the atlantic. Not that it was much different in the book, but their was some substance there. Some, you know, forethought.

Some of us thought the book was interesting, a bit extreme, and not practical for all women, but a good start for someone looking for change. Hell, a few even spoke to their families and got somewhere, riddle me that. You destroyed your family, broke up another, then for all intents and purposes ordered a mail-a-groom of one sort or another, hit the reset button one more time, and are seeing if that special Brazilian spice from the movie will do the trick for you too. Oh, I see. The secret's in the sauce! I kid, We're all narcissists here don't you pay me no mind, sugga

Live Long and prosper friend, 4 years later and you're still paving your way to divinity without the ironic gaze of Terry Pratchett.
Fortunately, You've always been a faithful bride to Christ, that's something' eh?