I feel like an outcast. I'm tired of being made to feel like a freak deserving of being feared. I'm not talking about people, I'm talking about wildlife. Every time I encounter a squirrel, bird, raccoon, feral cat, possum…etc, they run away and I'm heartbroken over it. Imagine if every human you encountered bolted at the mere sight of you. That's how I feel when these animals run away in desperation whenever I approach. And never mind the whole "natural instinct" thing, I get that. I'm just saying that after a lifetime of being made to feel like a FREAK, it kind of gets to you. Today two blue jays totally lost it when I walked into my backyard… the backyard in which I have fed them, and many other birds/animals, for years. They quickly flew away, all panicked like I was going to eat them. I was slightly offended and a little hurt. After all I have done for them, after the good vibes I send them, they still do not accept me. I can't imagine walking into a room of people and just having them drop everything they have and run to the door, like one of those Black Friday mobs…simply because of who you are: human. I am saddened by all of this. :(