With this news of Bill Cosby, The Rapist, comes to light a trend that I've noticed since forever: women not coming forward, not pressing charges, not bringing the alleged rapist to justice. I keep reading articles about how there were "rumors floating around" that Bill Cosby was a rapist. How in the hell do rumors get started by numerous women/victims, and yet not one of them went to the police? They were obviously telling someone, just not the authorities. The same trend appears to have taken place with CBC Radio Q host, Jian Ghomeshi, who was recently accused of being violent towards women. Same thing: "there were rumors floating around about his behavior." I just don't understand what it will take for women to bring these animals to justice? Instead of telling people who aren't the police, try telling the police. Rape is a disgusting crime and these animals should be fucking sued of all their possessions, publicly shamed and locked up. But, by the same token, we need to find a way to give women the strength to come forward and expose these men, without fear of retribution. I'm on their side 100%, I only wish they would have exposed these perverts earlier... so much time was wasted, all the while these men, and men like them, walked around free. Women NOT coming forward is a discussion I am not hearing... perhaps we're not ready to have it?