I work at a local grocery store while I'm finishing up my degree, and typically enjoy the majority of my customers. Sadly, every Wednesday we offer a 10% discount to our customers over the age of 65. Each Wednesday turns into some fucking weird hospice nightmare. The entire store is perfumed with moth balls and talcum powder. The most annoying thing is that these wrinkly deaf assholes aren't even appreciative of the savings. They just bark obvious common fucking sense demands to you like "DON'T PUT MY EGGS ON THE BOTTOM!!!". No shit Betty White. Having been on this planet for some time now I have in fact learned that eggs are fragile and don't belong smashed under your adult diapers and 15 cans of condensed milk. Yes, I'm more than happy standing here as your witches claw struggles to write out a check. It gives me more time to try and figure out what crusty food is lingering in the corner of your mouth.