Maybe I'm just tired of all the cars neighborhood backstreets as their side option to MLK blvd. NE 7th has traffic islands, speed bumps, stop signs, stop lights, and ped crossings, not to mention it's a bike route. How many more indicators do you need to get the point that it's not the right two-lane street for your bullshit rush hour alternaroutes. I could've let it go when you gave me an aggressive honk (for no reason!) at the corner and then zoomed away, but I decided to chase you down (one of the dumber moments of my life) and flip you off from the oncoming lane. You earned bike-rage that time, shithead. I got the warmest feeling when you, stuck behind a bunch of cars, leaned into your horn as if to vent back at me. Welcome to hell! Listen up you worthless, decrepit she-fart: you can run backwards, naked through a field of dicks. (Thank you, El-P)