Bri guy, babe, I know you'd never lie to me. Did the 'wocket' put some money in your pocket?

Did the pwetty 'lil helicopter give you a boo boo? Oh, no... it's not true?

It's alright we still love you.

It's obvious you're the fall guy. For what we have yet to find out, but soon we'll find a nice big lie, a real one, that passed over all of us like the ticker tape on the bottom of the screen. We'll wonder how the hell did we miss that? When did that get passed? Who the fuck voted for that?
The best part about it is, is that you'll probably deliver that story. it will be your triumphant entry back into the fold, telling the world of a newly discovered ill conceived american plot somewhere that occurred while you were away.
See you soon Mr. Williams and Godspeed.