'The absentee homeowner has been notified'

'Yes, officer?'
'Do you know where your cabin is this evening?'
'It seems that some hooligans may, may have not, but most certainly did, transport your home to an undisclosed location.'
'Was your home, you know, mobile, prior to this event? Do you have any reason to believe someone may have wanted to...'
'To steal my fucking house!? No. I don't. I don't have any recollection of anyone attempting to steal my goddamn house.'
'Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down.'
'Were there any valuables, or anything else you can provide to assist in the investigation?'
'...What was that damn number... Five o Five, Five o Three, Four, Four, Five, Five...'

K Falls finest, you know the motto 'chop, chop'... get these people their damn cabin back.