I have a friend who puts down every singer at the karaoke night. It is such a downer. He is such a downer. He never sings. I tell him don't talk trash if you aren't going to tell them yourself that they suck or if you aren't going to go sing and prove how great you are. He would suck worse than swamp ass anyway. Every now and then there are a few who just have to put people down. They have nothing better to do but put people down. My motto is I have no right to put anyone down especially if they aren't there to defend themselves. They could be in another country, and like, "oh that guy, he sucks." What the fuck? He isn't even here. Like it's a competition. It could be an open mic for music or comedy. There's always someone who's above the talents of the rest. It's kind of like these comments. All these I'A's suck, so start writing some. We don't give a shit about your comments. You're the only ones reading them. Internet comments think they are making a change, and of importance , but it's really the people in the world and on the ground who are truly affecting things, and improving lives. Don't read the comments. You will hate them. And we know that's how you feel about yourself. Sorry if you never had the feeling of encouragement and support in your life!