With Portland turning more and more "gentifried" these days, I'm happy and proud to see most of these new young folk as staunch capitalists. So many small businesses out to make a profit and hell, even selling their mom and pop to the highest corporate bidder. That's America, baby! When the dust settles and our new residents actually claim a life here, I'm sure the tides will turn and make Oregon a proud Red State once more. I, for one, welcome these new business savvy, capitalist kids… they're going to make this city/state/country great again with their burgeoning Republican ideologies. These kids don't want handouts, and they don't want to pay for the lazy and unemployed, nope. They're in it for profit and as much as you libs complain about housing and blah, blah, blahs… these new, young capitalist business owner PROFIT MAKERS did build it. They were'nt handed a free meal ticket or a handout. That's why all you libs are scared and complaining about these transplants… because you know the end is near. "Hippy Handout Portland" is becoming a profit making, no hand-outs, deregulation, individualistic REPUBLICAN city. Deal with it or get out! Sorry liberals!!!