
See what happens when you don't eat fast food or drink coffee?
Great photos.

I suggest Judge Hannon and Eric Bryant, Esq., watch their backs. Our boys in blue do not like being shown up any more than does a National League Umpire, and they have long memories.

It's seems trivial to suggest witness protection, but. . .

I remain your humble servant,

Kudos to Stensgaard for not eating fast food (nobody should do that), but if the people we charge to uphold the law can't obey simple no-parking signs, what's the point of even having laws, if cops start taking advantage and citizens allow it, all we end up with are sanctioned thugs. As to the previous poster's comment, fear is not the answer.
Visual Aids are funny.

This is not funny. Next!
Where are the comments from the cops are always right crowd and the guy who blathers on about popiggies and donuts?
Look on the bright side: He didn't shoot or tase (taze? taz? tus?) anyone, right? That's a step in the right direction!
I hope Bryant writes me a ticket too. If a $35 fine is all I get then my overtime for being in court will more than cover it.
Wow. Just wow.

I feel so comfortable knowing there are people in Portland who would rather have a cop run X amount of blocks to his legal parking space to respond to a 911 call, than park illegally.
thank you, disbelief. now if popiggy guy can get in here, we can call it a day.
This scumbag lawyer has NO clue about the real world. I know he thinks he is all cool and everything with his disgusting hipster friends, but REAL people know what a douche bag he really is. I hope the cops make his life a living hell, because he deserves it! Portland is such a disgusting city.
"I know he thinks he is all cool and everything with his disgusting hipster friends, but REAL people know what a douche bag he really is."

Do tell, PAGHLBA!. This is what blogs are for.
Here's the thing, PPAGHLBA - he's won a case against an almost impossible foe to defeat in a "my word against his" battle.

So he's got some chops, and you might be on the receiving end of them if Metropolitan Public Defender or Multnomah Defenders hires him....
Here's the thing, PPAGHLBA - he's won a case against an almost impossible foe to defeat in a "my word against his" battle.

So he's got some chops, and you might be on the receiving end of them if Metropolitan Public Defender or Multnomah Defenders hires him....
to cop: Since when do cops run anywhere. You have to walk 1 1/2 miles in 16 minutes every two years to stay qualified. We would never have to worry about that ficticious scenraio of running. Plus the fact that cops do not need to get out of their vehicle to eat. Bring a lunch to work like the rest of AMERICA. Eat at a restaurant on your own time.
This is news? For crying out loud, anyways. Oh the humanity! Illegal parking! What next? Oh yah, shooting and beating innocent people. I can't believe even the Associated Press wasted their time on this. In fact, I can't believe I wasted my time on this. And let's spend tax money on a huge trial! Why not? Let's set some priorities, for Christ's sake. Wow!
Second review:

Original article: Not funny. In fact, I must decry the lost opportunity for cutting and witty parody. The potential for public good in this subject is, well, I say, old chap, huge, for lack of a better word.

Howevery, kudos to several commentators for lively and witty sarcasm.

I guess if the police can't get to me in time to help me in an emergency I can thank Bryant. The police are already short 400 hundred lets make them park three blocks away from their vehicles. Real smart there lawyer evidently is not a concern for Bryant. Lets make him a judge!

I said nothing about running anywhere. That was the post below mine. I was the one who would like someone to give me a ticket so I could get the overtime for going to court.
Had the officer been "on a call" Im sure this case would've received a different judgement. He wasn't, he was on a break. Therefore parking laws I pay him to enforce are in play. Just because he's a cop doesn't mean he can stand in the middle of a street and fire his gun either can someone come up with a real reason why this isnt a good thing??
These comments are full of precious little piggies!!
Hey drone5969--- police do not "get" breaks at work. When they are in uniform they are duty. There are no lunch breaks or coffee breaks. Police eat and have a cup of coffee when they are not currently on a call but they are still ON DUTY and expected to get up and leave immediately. So many ignorant people in Portland.
ok so by that logic then they are never allowed to stop for food, they never get to take/make a personal phone call and they never get to take a piss. I work dispatch and know that they're codes for all the above. I also know that they shift out so that there is someone who can respond at all times and that when there isnt coverage they are aware of that as well. At those times prudence would suggest eating at an establishment that has a parking lot or establishing a repore with personnel that would run the order out to the car...or some other LEGAL solution.
Being AT WORK aka ON DUTY is no excuse to break the law and the laws are written for everyone including the cops.
Glad to know your in good company with the other ignorant peoples.
was anyone else in the courtroom impressed with "Chuckles Stensgaard's" knowledge of restaurants hours of operation? that may require another investigation.

I wish I had asked Sgt Schmaltz if he ever parked illegally during a non emergency.
I was surely impressed and I learned a lot, too! I mean, I had no idea all but two restaurants in NW shut down by 6:30 or 8pm.

I was also impressed with how valuable the communication system in the squad car is. The one that (I guess) can't be used to call in a to-go order ahead of time.
The only solution is to equip all cops with Segways. Obviously.
Ok, so Drone if a police officer is eating lunch and someone comes up to them with a problem(which they do) the officer should say "I'm on break, call dispatch."? Get a clue...and if you really do work dispatch(which you probably don't), you would know officers are always working even if they are on lunch in uniform(mere presence). I bet the bar would not get robbed if a police cruiser is parked out front, would it? Mere presence...
Oh goodie, "RevPhil" has to pipe up as usual. The cops should have shot you instead of just tasering you. Oh well, you will keep acting like the total fool you are and probably get hit on your light free bike in middle of the night while wearing black. I can't wait!
Im not here to debate how cops are supposed to deal with the public on a break and thats not the point of this post. I will tell you that they would handle the situation the same as they would whether on a break or not and radio in a call then resume their break at a later time...DUH.
The point of the post was "WOW, someone took on the man and held him accountable" They were held accountable to the same laws that you and I are subject to.. just as they have labor laws that state everyone COPS INCLUDED are allowed a certain amount of personal time to eat, piss and relax based on X amount of hours worked.
The facts of the case published state he was on a break, standing there watching the game, waiting for his food to be cooked. He was not a call, which was the point I made. Had he been on a call the judgement would have come down differently...You don't seriously believe that they're supposed to circle the block looking for parking when a bank is being robbed do you???
So far you've been trying (poorly) to say they should be cut a break, held outside the law, because they are enforcing the law. So far you haven't successfully made your point as to WHY other then because there might be asshole cops who would now want to target the lawyer or not assist the lawyer because they were forced to obey the very laws that they are paid by me (tax payer) to enforce.
So I say again is there anyone who can provide an argument as to why this wasnt a fair and just result?
Lets think back to a time when I was known for more than just being electrocuted...

its true, i have personal knowledge of officer chuckles stensgaard's vast assholery. Do you want to know more? inquire within:
That cop looks like a smug little bitch!
the picture of Stensgaard looking so bewildered is great and I bet Kyle Nice and Chris Humphrey will be even more startled and bewildered when they have a jury to come back finding them guilty as hell for manslaughter in their wanton killing of James Chasse and they are told to contribute financially towards the financial settlement that I hope is massive. Bet they'll rise up in their seats and I do hope your camera gets that priceless photo of them then $hitting their pants!

Way to go there PORTLAND come through for us once again and report the news the Corporate News Whores are just too afraid to do...
All jobs come with things you just can’t do. I agree that I would not want an officer to park 3 blocks away however there is a solution. If the particular restaurant a police officer would like to eat at would require him to park 3 blocks away so that he's parked legally then he should choose another place to eat. It is not ok for a police officer to break a law because he wants Chinese food today. I’m reasonably sure that there is more than one place to eat that would allow for legal parking that is not 3 or 4 blocks away. The idea that an officer deserves to break the laws he’s meant to uphold is ridiculous. What he did deserve is what he got...a parking ticket. And by the way the only people that should watch their backs are the police officers that break laws because there are citizens out there that think officers should abide by our laws. Honestly I have seen some of the most ignorant comments yet on this particular subject.
All jobs come with things you just can’t do. I agree that I would not want an officer to park 3 blocks away however there is a solution. If the particular restaurant a police officer would like to eat at would require him to park 3 blocks away so that he's parked legally then he should choose another place to eat. It is not ok for a police officer to break a law because he wants Chinese food today. I’m reasonably sure that there is more than one place to eat that would allow for legal parking that is not 3 or 4 blocks away. The idea that an officer deserves to break the laws he’s meant to uphold is ridiculous. What he did deserve is what he got...a parking ticket. And by the way the only people that should watch their backs are the police officers that break laws because there are citizens out there that think officers should abide by our laws. Honestly I have seen some of the most ignorant comments yet on this particular subject.
So, the city of Portland, who owns the vehicle was ticketed $35.00. The Officer who was driving the vehicle went to court on his DAY OFF and was paid OVERTIME for being there received at least $200.00(OVER-TIME) for coming in on his day off. Who really WON? I think the Officer did. Way to make a name for yourself Bryant. Come ticket me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be parked ILLEGALLY at 4th/Burnside(west) on Sunday the 27th at 4 AM. :)
To CopWatch Watcher.>Ok, so Drone if a police officer is eating lunch and someone comes up to them with a problem(which they do) the officer should say "I'm on break, call dispatch."? < I saw this very thing in Spokane. The fatass cop was eating his pizza when a customer shouted. "Hey a guy just hit my truck & drove away." Fatass replied," I'm on lunch. Call 911"
wow people, its real simple.
cops are not above any law.
everyone should be treated equally.
and if anything this is going to help the cops,
they are just going to pass a law saying that cops have the right to park anywhere.
this is not about him eating or having to stay by his car, its just simple law. which the officer broke.
the cops should thank eric soon they will have every right to break all the laws.

lynz and Drone, you have it right on. All this bull about the cop being so far away from his car if he parked legally is the cops choice, and therefor bad judgement on his part, because as Drone has pointed out, he could have taken his own lunch from home like the rest of america, or as Lynz had stated just gone to another restaurant. No others open? Well in the unlikely case that were to happen, skip that meal!! You don't die from starvation in 12 hours, you have plenty of time to eat at that particular restaruant when you get off the clock. It sucks that "Copwatch watcher" is right about the court cost and his payment to be there, and hopefully someone can come up with a reseaonable form of legislature that will not pay him that money should he be found guilty.
Last point for "copwatch watcher" It isn't just a parking ticket, it is an officer doing something against the law he enforces and not accepting his punishment. Honor, every government job upholds that virtue. There is no honor is tryig to get away with something you do wrong. Next time it may be like Drone had said, a cop decides to state in the middle of the street and shoot his gun in the air. I am sure enough Pro-cop supporters can come up with reasons why he needed to do it, but it is against the law. I applaud those who take a stand such as Bryant because he did it the right way. Kudos
I am an officer and I understand both sides to this arguement. Officers should abide by the law, this is true. But you need to understand that officers have a dificult job and we are not always guaranteed our state mandated 30 minute lunch break during the shift. Quite often citizens will come up and ask for help or ask questions interrupting my meal. Or a fine dispatcher like drone will pull me for a call, causing me to pay for a half eaten meal that I leave behind. Unlike drone I usually don't get to sit in secure facility and have an uninterrupted meal. We also have to carefully choose where we eat...when was the last time you had somebody spit in your food while it was being prepared just because of the uniform you wear? I do feel it is important to be near my car, because unlike many in the private sector I have pride im my job and will do everything I can to keep the citizens of Portland safe (even if it was Bryant). I guess what I am looking for is a little sympathy and understanding from the public for the unappreciated service that we provide, which to me is apparent from many of the above comments. Yes Stensgaard was wrong for violating parking laws, but he did have a reasonable excuse. This whole incident has been blown out of proportion, its about a parking violation, many of you act as if he was taking a free meal or tickets to a Blazer game. And drone I guarantee that if I stopped you for a traffic violation you would not hesitate to let me know you were a dispatcher expecting that I wouldn't write you a ticket...hey maybe thats why you seem to dislike the police, you got a ticket instead of a warning.
It has also become apparent that Eric Bryant is on a crusade to rid Portland of rogue police parking violators. Because of construction around Central precinct we have lost much of our "Police Only" parking. Because of this we have found it necessary to park in a "5 minute zone driver must remain at the wheel" which is located directly in front of Central Precinct. We will do this so that we can take a prisoner inside or perform some other administration functions. Bryant has been hiding in the parking structure across the street to watch for such dishonest parking violators. When such a crime occurs he will document the "crime scene" by taking pictures and writing down the violators license plate. He has also contacted one of our shift sergeants to find out which officer was driving the vehicle. Is Mr. Bryant trying to keep Portland beautiful by putting an end to such devious activity? Does he seriously lack any type of life? Or is he trying to make a name for himself in hopes of gaining some recognition which he can then use to benefit himself in his occupation? Call me cynical but I doubt he is going to such lengths because he just thinks its the right thing to do. Mr. Bryant you really need to get a life!!!
Finally justice is served! enough with the comments that cops should be above the law, because that is a slippery slope argument. If we let the cops slide under reasons that he is a public servant and it's important for him to be on time, then we will have to let other professions parked illegally also, such as: doctor, nurses, teacher, and then no one will upheld the law anymore!

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