
I wonder if the Merc has ever picked up stories from other papers?

Nah, they are constantly getting the scoop/Pulitzer, so why even look into it?
No, you can go ahead. Because on my patch, I'll always give credit where it's due. We have three people in our news room. Fuck you.
Perhaps if he'd linked to/directly referenced the Oregonian piece at issue, this little post would work as yet another of Matt's "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!!!!!" posts...

As it stands, Matt's pretty much just muttering incoherently to himself. I always thought journalistic integrity would look a little more... enlightening? self-respecting? sane???

Also, a pre-emptive "fuck you, too", Matt.
The "Or in this case," does link to the O story.
Oh, disregard. I suck cocks. Totally missed the un-bolded comma separating the two links.

You're still a self-obsessed douche-bag, Matt. I think I'm gonna go take a nap.
Shouldn't you be looking for a job?

Clever response, though.

I may not be a fan of your writing, but you are correct in this case. The Oregonian's dick gets all shriveled up when it is faced with the prospect of reporting on a story you "broke." But, the O's editorial staff are incompetent yokels, so...yeah...

Good Times.
Yes, I am a "sponger"(??) for having a job that allows me days off on occasion. I am also probably a "racist", just like Robert Downey Jr. and Sir Ben Kingsley and most of America.

Say "Hi" to the wifey for me.
And I'll be sure to say hi to yours.
You don't even try any more... So sad.
Odd, since I'm convinced you're the more apathetic between us.
Matt and cat, sitting in a tree...

Just please don't write a post about the inevitable make-up sex.
Sorry, Matt... I'd up my game, but I frequently take pity on your whole "I've changed my meds/I've stopped taking me meds/I'm terribly bitter and disillusioned, please pay attention to me again/I'm going to have my lawyer subpoena you ISP and sue you for emotional damages*" schtick.

Trolling you is a decent way to pass the time while cooking up some pasta carbona (it's delicious, by the way, feel free to stop by for dinner), but you're simply a shell of the person you were during the classic days of Tropic Thunder and nearly everything else being racist.

You're still incoherent and laughably smug when over-estimating your worth as a writer and a human being, but you just don't seem to have the same antagonistic joi de vive that marked the old days. For me, personally, the turning point was your whole "I know who you are, woooooooo, be scared, I'M A GHOST!!!!" bit. It's hard to troll in the face of that kind of pathos, honestly.

*that's actually a true story, Blogtown readers. A younger, feistier, but certainly no smarter Matt.
"*that's actually a true story, Blogtown readers. A younger, feistier, but certainly no smarter Matt."

Here you go, Blog Junkie. Straight out of my personal email account, because we're classy like that.

"You're stalking me. If you don't stop, I'll hire a lawyer and have you charged with harassment. I have a lawyer who'll gladly represent me in this case. We can subpoena your identity from the IP provider. This is your last chance to quit it. I'm done responding to your posts.

Obviously your intentional infliction of emotional distress is hurtful and probably going to have long-term effects. Are you aware of that?

You should run a story in the print Mercury documenting all of your stories that have been picked up by the Weak Week and the other one.

The Mercury should also become a daily, available by subscription. This town deserves a daily paper that doesn't suck.

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