
"hypothetically if the stadium gets built, the development projects won't go undone, they'll just be bumped several years in the future."

That's "hypothetically" true only if the bonding capacity of Lents URA is "hypothetically" increased to match the cost of the stadium.

It's called "Opportunity Cost," Sarah, and they teach it on the first day of Economics 101.

Good point! The draft budget for the stadium scenario does assume that the resources available to the Lents URA will jump from $19,554,023 in 2009-2010 to $40,726,817 and from $16,220,338 in 2010-2011 to $43,321,030 and will be $10 million more in 2012, too.

But I'm not sure exactly where that money is slated to come from. I'll tweet it at Randy Leonard. Ha. (no, really).
eh you dont need that shit anyway.

listen, when you have a chance to drop $60+ mil of taxpayer dollars on a minor-league ballpark without any tangible benefits to the surrounding community, jump on it.
Putting this stadium way out in BFE/Lents is such an awful idea. For background, I love watching baseball live and I went to about 6 Beavers games last year. I live in downtown (or right by it, actually) and don't own a car and MAX or not, that number will drop to 0 if it gets put down out there. There's nothing out in Lents that will keep me there, and all the money they could use to renovate the neighborhood and spur economic development by providing affordable housing would go to the stadium.


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