
I thought PETA's weapon of choice had switched from guilt-tripping to aggressive nudity. Nothing like the holidays to make you nostalgic.
Man Vegans Pray too? Pathetic, the lot of ya.
I think they figure it's an easier sell than this...…
PETA can be ridiculous, but i am thankful they are there.
Everybody should visit to understand PETA's hypocricy. They don't really love animals: they hate people.

PETA would be a bunch of clowns if they weren't so smugly sure they were right about everything and had a pipeline to the truth.

It's characteristic of most extremism that the extremists' primary concern is their own purity, which is more important than actually changing anything. Secondarily, they will take any agreement with them as proof they are right, but if you disagree they'll be quite willing to shove their doctrine down your throat.

This is just as true of PETA as it is of Al Qaeda or the Ku Klux Klan.

Remember when PETA got upset about Pres. Obama swatting a fly? I wonder if they view the eradication of anthrax as a parallel to The Holocaust?

What a bunch of ridiculous dipschitz!
I second charlie, to a point. PETA irritates me with their methods not their message. Saying PETA hates people is a little silly, but I agree that their extremism and general attitude often overshadows their cause to it's detriment.
@Dave Bow: That's what they said about the Nazis.
@Graham: Automatic loss as per Godwin's law. Move back one year to when you were kinda funny.
Paul Cone's link is to someone who is thinking himself out of existence as a human being.

Human beings are animals - intelligent animals, but animals all the same. We have the dentition and digestive systems of omnivores - not short guts like cats, or the ability to digest cellulose like cows. (You'll see that tomorrow when you see corn kernels in your shit.)

I would say that strict vegans are the arrogant, speciesist ones - saying that human beings are too good to eat meat and that they must "protect animals from other humans".

Killing animals for pleasure is wrong, but killing animals for use is all right, provided that as much of the animal is used as possible. Waste is immoral, not the mere act of killing, and humans can have the taboos they want.

Carnivorous animals should be given the respect they deserve, and we do, by domesticating them as companions/pets and protecting birds of prey.

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