
Why isn't the monkey in the poll?
The monkey is in the poll. Hit the jump.
Why isn't the monkey in EVERY poll?
Oh, the jump. More polls. Got it. Saki monkey rules over us all. Though I still prefer the hairless pigs.
Wheeler did Everest. he has my vote
Paul Van Orden posed for the photo with a helmet. That guy is ready for the arena.
i did just 5 mintues googling on Currie; the guy has some impressive history. it's not my district, but won't be an easy choice. Enrique Arias, not even listed here, is an awesome human being. figuring out debate format is gonna take a saki monkey to achieve.

Re: “Meet A County Candidate: Chuck Currie”

Chuck Currie has championed all the WRONG ISSUES on mental health for as long as I HAVE KNOWN HIM.

As James Chasse is an issue,it is a mess bigger, then just money,and like most people like Chuck, his answer is throw money at it.


You called for Adams to resign, then didn't back the recall..THAT IS POLITICAL AND HUMAN COWARDNESS.

We are a city /county/, on the brink of fiscal ruin,and your answer is a SIN TAX(NO, I DON'T SMOKE)not one mention of the SELLWOOD BRIDGE,not one mention of the WAPATO JAIL. WHERE IS THE ACCOUNTIBILITY? there is none from a person like yourself...therefore you cannot lead.

Now for the old part..Chuck and I do not all, ever, that the "CRIMINALLY INSANE" (yes Chuck, they are mentally ill) need to be anywhere in this county..those judged guilty but insane of murder, arson or rape(good example of that would be a patient placed in WA.COUNTY,near Hillsboro, that raped a 3 yr old baby.

Chuck has refused to defend 3 yr old babies...the criminally insane have more rights.

Now before you or the interviewer go off on me as being against the mentally ill ,you need to call County commissioner John Lindsey in Linn county, and sheriff Rob Gordon in WA.county and ask them of my work with them on this issue.

WE will get this criminally insane thing resolved, IT HAS ALREADY KILLED ONE MAN RIGHT HERE.

No Chuck....your not the man for the job

Jack Peek

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