
Good to hear. I realize that the PPB can't do any adverse actions to Nice until the investigation is over, but at least the prick is off the streets.

As for Dick Target Westerman, meh. He'll get his soon enough. That little pissant's gonna go off on the wrong person one of these days and find himself in a really shitty situation, I'm sure.

Remember kiddies, bullies never win.
The officers down at the station better not take his stapler or Nice will pull a gun on you or worse tail you to your desk *and then* pull a gun on you
this is a rough day down at the dungeon where the Brotherhood of the Strong hang out, what with long faces, grim looks, and ODing on 'roids to handle the "stress" of one of their own getting a smack down--who ever heard of such?--and the intolerably strain of same thing likely happening to another of the brothers, all makes for a terrible "bad hair day" all the way around...the Citizens are starting to get the upper hand...what next is fate to befall 'em??????
Even when you're right, you're incoherent, Bad Robot.

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