
If that "Seeker" guy had just kept his shirt off all the time I would have watched religiously.
My mom's name is Betty and this is her favorite show.

@Alexjon: Dude, you might want to give her a call.
I liked the pseudo-Renaissance setting (as opposed to the standard pseudo-medieval deal). But yeah, sitting through an entire episode never happened for me either.
It had a bad timeslot? Wasn't it syndicated and therefore aired at different times in different markets?
I really liked the lady who fights in the white robes. She has shiny dark hair and, presumably, a witty (yet self deprecating) sense of humor which appeals to me for some mysterious reason.
kiala likes the ladies, bowchickawow.
Yeah, that girl was so super pretty. I watched a couple episodes, and I have to admit that I liked it! Even still, I didn't keep watching it. But I sorta meant to - she's so super pretty and all, and I like spells and stuff...

Dunno the timeslot, but it is on hulu.
As someone who enjoyed the source material: This could not make me happier. That show was a cancer.
I love 'Legend of the Seeker', srsly I've seen all the episodes, but I also appreciate this post, heh.
I own Stargate on DVD too, though I LOVE LOTS! and want to own DVD of it too.
it just epic fun
It seemed to initially have some potential, but even with absolutely nothing else to watch on a Saturday afternoon I couldn't make it more than a few minutes before switching over to infomercials or PBS pledge drives.
I've read all the original novels, and I have to say this show was absolutely terrible. The first few episodes followed the plot loosely enough to tolerate, but I have never witnessed a destruction like these writers wrought upon one of my favorite stories. The season 1 finale was so far removed it was laughable, and season 2 went so far off so as to become unwatchable. I tried to watch a few episodes after that but I always realized how utterly trivial it was going to be within minutes and lost interest.

This cancellation pleases me. Time slot had nothing to do with it; the suckage was just as raw on hulu at 1am when I got home from work as it did whenever the hell it actually played (which I have no idea since I don't actually own a tv).

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