
So, speaking of lifestyles and issues with the police...
Silly conflation of two seperate issues. His views, while disturbing, have very little bearing on his ability to participate in police reform efforts.

People are complicated. The average person holds a myriad of views, many of which may even seem to be in conflict with each other. It's called being a human.
So he's apparently for some human rights, but not all?
A hypocritical reverend?! What will the Christians think?!
That's a wonderfully limited view of human rights.
Dr. of what? Seems pretty ignorant for a doctor.

I'll take Dr Bethel and his ilk seriously when their concern for "justice" includes everyone.
How are leftwing litmus tests based on political correctness any different than rightwing litmus tests based on Christian fundamentalism?
How are sheep different from boxes of Tide with bleach alternative, Blabby?
I notice that Dr T Allen Bethel is a supporter of Loretta Smith's campaign for County Commissioner. That's interesting, and makes my decision that much easier.
So I take it you can't answer my question, Alex.
It's a stupid and overly broad question, Blabby.

You're completely ignoring the reality that his actions have real world consequences that do have a negative effect on people. It's not like he's talking about transit or taxes.

Does your colon fit neatly around your head or did you have to chew your way in?
He's a Doctor of Cognitive Dissonance.
Wow this guy lost all credibility he had with me (which was little in the first place).

Although I hardly find it surprising. He's not the first "human rights activist" I've met who hated gays.
Ideology is ideology, Alexjon. I avoid it.
Isn't intolerance of intolerance hypocritical?

And hatred of hatred doesn't help the situation ...

Suburban Porn King ftw
Seriously, can someone try to dig up the origins of this guy’s “doctor” title? I did a cursory Google search for his bio, and can’t find anything to substantiate it… Maybe it’s that same college the former mayor of West Linn was associated with??
Oh, Jesus, Andrew! Did you write that while hula-hooping?
Consequently, intolerance is the only way to fight intolerance.
"How are leftwing litmus tests based on political correctness any different than rightwing litmus tests based on Christian fundamentalism?"

The entire premise of your question is flawed. Wanting to give gay people civil rights is hardly "political correctness."
I wouldn't call Bethel a "human rights advocate" and I would dispute any claims he makes to being one. But that doesn't mean BRO and other organizations, like Sisters of the Road, that do advocate for human rights can't join with Bethel and the Albina Ministerial Alliance on the issue of police accountability. It's not so much "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" as an attempt to stop seeing people as enemies just because they don't agree on every issue. Bridge-building can't begin until people are willing to come together at least where they agree.
I think Dr. Bethel's mind could be changed -- his (2004) stand against gay marriage is inconsistent with his human rights work -- but not if he's hated on and dismissed.

How do you think Dr. Bethel should be dealt with Jackattak?

I'm all hugs n' puppies.
His wife works for the pariah priests at Sacred Heart Church on Williams Ave - not surprising this black church leaders' family values and homophobia are spread around to other religious venues.

What is the ebonics word in the hood for "mixed message"?

Can you say c-o-n-t-r-a-D-I-C-t-o-n?

The self-righteous holier-than-thou prtdln blacks are both gender bigots
and enablers of sexual abuse by their leadership
Does anyone recall the members of Vancouver Ave Baptit forgave Pastor Matt Hennesey after public discourse a few years ago of this Albina members' accidental TOUCHING OF MINOR-AGED FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS (who are STILL coerced by adults to attend Sinday church services .

Why not ask Copwatch Dan Handlerman (shown side-by-side the Reverned in blog photo) for his comment about coalition politics with sexual bigots?

There needs to be solidarity between oppressed groups. What about support for gay people of color? Gay rights is not just a white issue. The queer community is also targeted and harassed by cops.
While not supportive of the LGBTQ "life-style", Dr. Bethel does clearly state he will defend LGBTQ people from violence and harassment. I think there's room for solidarity work here. His position, and whatever position the AMA has towards marriage equality, does not reflect the entire Black community. This community and the gay community and the immigrant, feminist, mental health and organized labor communities need to organize a united front to change the policies that are allowing the police to behave as they do without accountability. An elected civilian police review board would go a long way to curtail this abuse and terrorism.
At least he would defend human rights, do you know how many people in this world that wouldn't even do that much?

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