
Pretty interesting to me-- awakens my old wannabe-urban-explorer tendencies.

3041 N Williams Ave is one of the last remnants of its "old" neighborhood (before Emmanuel Hospital and blight took its toll). Looks like it was a great old dive bar back in the day. Pity that it'll probably get torn down and replaced with another corrugated steel yuppie restaurant block.
Please... someone buy the bldg at 67th and Foster and make it a place for me to drink beer. It's for sale with unsafe status and all for a mere $600k.
Good job getting this list and putting the map together Stefan!
The Phoenix Building at 67/Foster definitely needs to be saved and put to good use, but it ain't like there's no place else on that stretch of Foster to drink. I was thinkin' more like a 24-hour Snuggy dealership or high-end used porn shop.
Re: Phoenix bldg: Bob and Alice's, O'Malley's and the ever-changing-name bar across the street do not count (because I am not looking for an 8 am happy hour special and am not on meth). I mean somewhere one can get a bite and drinks without the hipster 'tude at Bar Carlo. The neighborhood is ripe.
"Pity that it'll probably get torn down and replaced with another corrugated steel yuppie restaurant block."

oh noes, somebody is discovering that their precious city is changing!
The guy who owns the Phoenix lives near me and I talked to him awhile back about the building. He said he's had a few offers in the past even when it wasn't for sale, but now it is time to just move on and sell it.

I live near that building and given the choice of Corrugated Steel Yuppies in my neighborhood or Tweakers Stealing Corrugated Steel, I would gladly take the former. My wife and I miss our brand new BBQ that we used twice.

I've never had any hipster 'tude at Bar Carlo, then again I never really care either. I just want my food to taste good and my water refilled, which they do a good job on both.
@ slushy: I've never had anything but 'tude-less service at bar carlo.
OK, I didn't mean to denigrate Bar Carlo, but the time before I most recently gave it another try was when they had the bus tub in the dining space and server dude insisted on throwing every single dish and service item in there from 18" up. Really super lame and almost a reason for me never to return. I've had a better experience more recently. Still and all, I want a place to drink that serves food, not the other way around.
@ slushy: O'Malley's is kinda fun! I go there sometimes. Slingshot up the street is good for drinking and also eating. (It's better than Bar Carlo, IMHO.)
Slingshot is definitely good for food and drinks. Just writing about it makes me want to go there now.

How is Bob and Alice's? I've tried going there twice but they were closing up each time I went.

@slushy: So that was just bad service, not anything hipster attitude related then?

I've only ever encountered genuine stereotypical hipster snobbish service once in my life. It wasn't in Portland, but in a video rental store in Perth, Australia in 2002. The guy looked very close to the Verizon guy. I was renting Suburbia (the 1983 one) and he said "ohhh, yessss, good ole Suburbia...having to watch it so you can finally keep up with your friends aren't we?" or something to that effect.

Looking back I should have gone into a long made-up story about I read that the PAL formatted version was superior to the NTSC version of the film.

w9gMhnc4YRjBKdu_FF2ZkqcNwQcORt3FiMzi3kZ1zv7gk7qE, it's not so much the change that I dislike, but the change-to-stuff-I'm-not-interested-in that disappoints me. The new stuff on Williams, for the most part, is not my style.
Slushy: We're terribly sorry if SE Foster doesn't meet your expectations. My guess is you've probably turned your nose up at most joints on the way without even going in. There's a little something for everybody out here. As someone with some history out here, i.e., I remember Foster before it fell to the tweaker-age of the 90's, I gotta second Chunty. It ain't the change that's the problem. Its the pussies who think that somehow a wonderbread fern bar on every corner is the ideal that is the problem.
Park and Alder...I used to work there. Woa!

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