
This is kinda gay, but the toddler is giving me a heartattack from all the cuteness.
How about some girls on trampolines?
Where are Oprah and the Black Eyed Peas?
Thanks WSH, this is exactly what I needed: inspirational and up lifting.............Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! SHittttt!!'s a cell phone ad.......FAIL!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd it's cheapened. That'll teach me to start the video, get hooked on the video, start openly weeping at the video and then read the text of the post just before the big reveal that I let myself get tricked into feeling by a cell phone commercial. Fuckin A.
I think this video is cruel making fun of that girl with a genetic defect. That explains why both SARAH MIRK and Skinner biked by at about 3:55.

By the way we expect to see a video of the Mercury Staff doing this dance on the Monday Blogtown.

Or maybe it wasn't a disease after all she just swallowed a cell phone.
Hey Steve, if I learn it can I be an intern again?
-Your favorite rhyming intern ever (Molly)

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