
Does this mean Huber's is out of business?
@1: lulz

This whole "controversy" is moral panic at its worst. Colleges blame the drink when students drink too much of it so they won't get sued by the parents, and the parents believe the excuse because they want to continue believing their children are angels. "Concerned citizens" demand action from the government because nobody wants to take personal responsibility, and legislators are quick to act because it looks good for their re-election campaigns. Old folks who hear about it don't think twice about the ban because the form of the product (tall cans, bright colors, hispanic-sounding names) is foreign to them. And it all goes through too quickly to be thought about because the people who care are too drunk to say anything.

Now, don't get me wrong. I think government regulation is a good thing, but this goes too far. If they instituted a requirement for a warning label, I would be happy. But instead they're letting a few stupid people ruin the fun for everybody else.

And I don't even drink Four Loko.
"Alcoholic energy drinks, or AEDs..."

"Four Loko" is an anagram of "Foul Rook," to rook, of course, meaning to cheat, defraud, or overcharge someone. This proves, quite possibly, that the business of selling caffeinated booze is a vile and cynical activity, well-nigh criminal. That having been said, I'd like to try some of the damned stuff before it goes bye-bye. Hook me up?
Isn't it normal to puke after trying to drink as much of ANYTHING as you can in an hour? Wine, Beer, Piss.. Hospitalizations have occured in Water drinking contests before. (seriously, look it up)

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