
While you're waiting, you can play the excellent 2D homebrew version "Still Alive" on either your Wii or DS. It's surprisingly well done!…
Please exercise patience while waiting for moist, delicious cake.
Exiting. Am not sure if to post this here, but since C_&_B seems to know well about cool games, I´ve been looking all afternoon for a PsP2 game that all I remember (No, I wasn´t stoned or drunk, all day) is that it was fast, and it was about a ninja going up or down a castle kicking ass, and it required a lot of attention. There are other details but rather useless.

There was a voiceover mortal combat style that said "ZEN" and other cool things when you kicked ass mortally. I bought it in Europe like 4 years ago. Anyone knows the name of the title??? I´ve been looking for it all day.

It´s not Shinobido or Samurai Warriors, wich I love too.
Did you know you can donate one or all of your vital organs to the Aperture Science self esteem fund for girls?

It's true!

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