
This is after the fact, I know, but they would also do well to push the whole "Don't tread on me" angle if they want to attract conservative support. I've debated gay marriage with conservatives a lot and at least one hardcore West Virginia conservative's position took a complete 180 when I asked him if he believed in that.
Gay marriage is a conservative value. It centers on personal choice, religious freedom, and family values. Why would a conservative be against letting people decide what's best for themselves and form a stable home?
Everyone should take a good look at this video made in Ireland.

This has got to be the best message I have ever seen.
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Jesus won't come back till Gay Marriage is LEGAL!
As a conservative Christian voter this did nothing for me. The couple supported anyone who would stand in front of friends and family and make a commitment. Really? What if I stood in front of friends and family and committed to being a serial killer. I hope sincerity does not equal justification. There are a lot of sincere. People doing sincerely wrong things.

Oh and am I allowed to make a series of commercials about straight couples now?
@Fruityboots: Jesus was a Jew; Jews of his time followed the Levitical Code which said that male-on-male sex was an "abomination".

Notice that Jesus did not condemn the stoning of the woman caught in adultery -- he only challenged the crowd that he who was without sin cast the first stone.

So yes, as a Jew, Jesus would not have condoned male-on-male sex. You might do well to re-read your Bible.

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