
Boeing and Microsoft are out in the 'burbs too. Just saying.
I understand that you are dumb Sarah, but you should really read your posts before you hit submit. As Tony Choate has so helpfully reminded you already, Seattle also has burbs and those burbs also have large employers.
There are a lot of variables here. Seattle has a better transit system. Many jobs are indeed in the suburbs, just like here (you know, those areas that Mercury bloggers and commenters demean). Were bikes factored in? No. That's another factor.
Seattle has worse traffic, and its more painful to drive there.
No Js, Seattle has no horse traffic, the Sarah Jessica Parker comment thread is a few posts below.

Well, at least they made the Portland graph pink.
more evidence that trimet sucks
Seattle's highly-used transit system relies on buses. Maybe we could learn from that instead of building expensive, money sucking trains all over town.

Showstopper, bikes were factored in.
I wouldn't have believed that Seattle system relies on buses if it had come in a unregistered comment.
it is still quicker and more convenient to drive and park than use transit in many places throughout Portland. Until that changes, people will choose cars when they can. In Seattle it is probably quicker to use some forms of transit since the auto traffic is so bad.

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