
Cheer up, Bealefeld, The Wire isn't the only cultural embodiment of your city. You've also got the early work of John Waters.
Bealefeld's figures on reduced crime were cooked up to satisfy chain of command. CHAIN OF COMMAND! I know how this works. I saw that stupid show.
I've been around Baltimore, and it seemed doomed to me. Excellent soul food, though.
THIS IS MY LIFE. Do you know what it is like growing up in Baltimore and then moving to Portland?!? I have spent more minutes than I ever care to tally discussing the relative merits of each of the respective shows. While in Portland, its "Oh your from Baltimore, have you seen the Wire?". Hop on a plane for a visit home and the first thing out of everyone's mouth, "You live in Portland. Have you heard of Portlandia." I now will refer to them as "this and that show" and never speak of either again (until I secretly watch the Wire again and again because it is amazing. No, I can't say the same about Portlandia...)
I'm not sure that Portlandia sucks...I don't think of it as really trying to represent Portland, it just uses Portland as a venue for social commentary. 90% of the stuff on the show isn't really about Portland, even though all non - Portlanders think we're that way. Fine by me.
The Wire was great, but comparing it to Portlandia is sorta like the 'apples / oranges' deal.
It's like the apples / hemorrhoids deal
I am sure that Portlandia sucks.
Baltimore has been on the downhill slide ever since H.L. Mencken died.
baltimore makes small strides, but as a whole the city has a long way to go. A baltimore resident of nearly 7 years, i've seen positive change, but I still see the same negative elements that were here when I moved here. The reason people from baltimore don't like the wire, is because it is a brutal reminder that the inner harbor, fells point, and federal hill do not represent the majority of Baltimore City. The majority of Baltimore City will depress the living hell out of you, and no one can argue with that fact.

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