
America also thinks the president has done a terrible job handling the economy. But PC doesn't want to talk about that. Nope. Hope and change is now attack and blame. What a joke. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Go ROMNEY/RYAN!!!! Congress will be unpopular as long as Democrats refuse to reach out to the other side and compromise. This new wave of extremism will never work in America. Can't wait for November to start cleaning house on all the ineffective morons. Time to take out the trash.
The public also disapproves of the Senate yet Obama chose Biden, but that won't make for a precious headline for your dumbfuck readership. Seriously Paul, ease off the kool aid. Obama and Romney may wear different jerseys but they play for the same team. The way you so gleefully play into the charade of us-vs-them is embarrassing. The Merc needs far more astute political coverage.
Are you saying absolute power somehow won't corrupt Romney absolutely?

I'm an independent thinker and voter. I don't contradict myself at all. Obama is extreme in his views and he is using the government as a tool to forward his extremism. Romney comes across as far more moderate. It's really a simple decision for smart people who can see past the divisive bullshit and see problems for what they really are and vote for people who have the best chance to fix our country. Obama is just trying to cobble together 51% of the vote by courting social extremist factions because he is not able to fix the economy. So he divides the country. Rich vs. Poor. Religious people vs. gay people. Men vs. women. Black vs. white. He isn't leading us to unity. He is purposely sitting back and watching our country attack each other as he attacks his political opponent with little regard for decency. He is our fucking president. Really? and people are still going to vote for him?

He has done too much damage to not only our economy but to our people to ever be considered a possibility again. Obama's liberals are aggressively trying to grow the government and exercise more control over all of our lives and sheep will follow a shepherd who can talk smooth and belt out some muthatruckin' Al Green on command.

But here's the real deal. He failed. Paul Constant is a little attack Chihuahua for the very same liberal establishment that has fucked up our country far more than even W. did. Don't like facts? Ignore 'em all you want. Obama called W. "unpatriotic" for adding to the deficit. How much has Obama added to the deficit in just four years? Can't pass a reasonable budget. Can't do anything but spend money and attempt to compel the rich to help him continue to spend money on programs that are unsustainable and on the verge of collapse.

Voting for Obama is just a waste of a vote and sends a bad message for the rest of the world. It means you tolerate extremism and division. It means you tolerate failure. It means pissing away the future for the next generation. I personally don't give a flying fuck if Romney is a greedy fucker as long as I believe he will ease restrictions and get our economy working again.
@arenit - totally agree. Paul Constant is as stupid partisan as @stjohnsrules

@stjohnsrules - I've asked you multiple times to explain how Romney is any different than Obama. It seems to me that they're exactly the same, and any criticism you can levy towards Obama can be used against Romney ("Rich vs. Poor. Religious people vs. gay people. Men vs. women. Black vs. white."). The only singular argument you offer is that Obama is trying to divide people, but that's horseshit, Romney is doing the exact same thing for the same purpose. Come up with a list of real policies that divide the two men, and you'll see a list of stupid partisan issues and campaign rhetoric.

On the subject of disapproval, it's true that most people disagree with Congress for a whole variety of reason, but at the same time, in contradicting terms, overwhelming numbers of voters are perfectly fine with their own congressional representative, this is why Congress has a +95% re-election rate. If you look at congressional disapproval, and look at re-election rates in Congress, it’s a perfect example of how uninformed most Americans are about their own government representatives. I think this will carry over to Paul Ryan, partisan voters will project the nation’s problems on to other methods of Congress: “You see, it’s the Champion of All Things Good, Senator Ryan, who was busy fighting back against the tyrannical and unconstitutional elements of the Obama Administration while the rest of Congress was trying to suck the federal teat of pork-belly projects.”
I'm still waiting for the day when stjohnrules tells us he's an independent thinker, wants to vote for Romney, and some random stuff about the deficit and the economy that he read on a blog.

I can't wait to read that!

ROM: following me around in an attempt to discredit me while offering nothing but innuendo makes you look like a monkey hoping his poop will stick to the wall when he throws it.
Stjohnrules: No one's following you, we're all commenting on the same blog, you ninny. You suck, you're a total killjoy, you're the fucking king of TL;DR, you turn every thread into a gigantic wall of text, you're repetitious, redundant, long-winded, possibly autistic but predominantly EXTREMELY BORING.
Fidelity: I don't know you. You have not "asked me multiple times" about ANY subject. Don't sit there and act all intellectually superior or act like I'm ducking your "interviews". C'mon, dude. I don't think that highly of you. If you've asked me questions in the past and I've ignored you, it can only be for two reasons. A: You're fucking boring me or B: I didn't recheck my posts because the thread died after legions of douchebags fill it with unsubstantiated bullshit in an attempt to deflect from the real issues our country faces.

People like you can fall for it all you want. That's what sheep do. They don't educate themselves to both sides so they just take the lazy way out. Attack. Confuse. Embellish. Bullshit. Both sides are guilty of attacking the other but Obama's campaign is full of liars. Like the stupid bitch who disavowed any previous knowledge of the people in involved in a Dem SuperPac commercial depicting Romney as being somehow responsible for the death of a cancer victim. That is just fucking divisive and Obama is a douchebag for not denouncing it.

Why didn't he denounce it? Because he is a gutter politician that can't run on his failed record.

I want liberals to wise up and stop being so extreme. It hasn't always been this way. I voted for Clinton. I still respect him to this day. I think Hilary, with all her loose ends, would still be twice the president Obama could ever hope to be. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi AND Obama can all just fuck off. We need more moderation on both sides. The liberals are standing behind extremists and dividers and I will simply decline to participate in that abuse of power. Remember, these people are supposed to lead America, not dictate through failed programs then demonize people for not wanting to foot the bill for it all. Maybe in the future when liberals moderate and police themselves, I can take them seriously again. Until then....
rrrr please stop giving this sad, lonely jackass any more excuse to post 9000 characters of whackjob gibberish for us to scroll through (utterly unread).
Once again, C&B, I offer you the chance to post an opinion about the column as opposed to following people around in a failed attempt to discredit them. You're not doing anything but trying to drum up support from the minions. I believe in you, man. I think you can be brave and share your innermost thoughts aside from engaging in useless personal attacks on people you don't know personally. I like to clown on people sometimes, but that is usually only in response to people coming after me with dumb shit.

Long winded, I am. Read it, you will. Yo, I just channeled some serious Yoda. Lighten up, playas. I just want my country to be better for everyone and to clear out the nuts. Then we can all get down to the business of being happy.
Oh look, Community Colon wants attention.
Yeah I have never replied to SJR because he regularly spews highly opinionated, unsubstantiated drivel. (Hey SJR- what was divisive or extreme about convening Bowles and Simpson to fix the budget, in a bipartisan effort? Who killed this-- was it vote-hungry, partisan fiscal conservatives in election season?)

I won't challenge you to answer that intelligently, because you are a a toxic windbag.

At least when Rush Limbaugh finally OD's you can apply for his spot.
Wow. All the sheep are out in force today. Your love is like Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Medicine.... Baaaaaaaaad Medicine is what you need.... whooooohwhoa...shake it's like baaaaaaaaaaad medicine....there ain't not doctor that can cure your disease....

I trump your "Bowles and Simpson" with Dodd/Frank which started the real mess to begin with. We need LESS regulation, not more. This is pure and simple class warfare. Rich people aren't demons. they are holding out for the next president so they don't have to pay for more gov't programs that will surely fail under this administration. I've said enough. If I say too much, Humptown will fly down from Heaven on his unicorn and wave his magic wand at me admonishing me for clowning on you fuckers. Maybe next time we can all debate the merits of quantitative easing. Peace out, bitches.
\m/ JOVI! \m/
stjohnrules: do you like movies? I never see you comment on Erik's posts about movies.

Also, can you prove that you're not Paul Constant, just trolling his own posts?
More thus therefore and wow so the so tortoise palpable notably shrewdly steadfastly wolverine far much a due jeez oh hello saucily emotional fussily due winced one dominant readily that away hey gorilla alas far darn mumbled one darn mastodon flimsily heedlessly wretched the bent ouch commendably quetzal including before so much burped tortoise gosh constant contrary resolutely before caterpillar miraculous one against then recast rash this ahead gosh outside unlike statically far nutria a yet quail parrot muttered devilish sniffled bawled this eerie spoke inside sanely a thus below.

Cold loaded while warthog darn read together darn less slung goose pill plentifully removed crud tenaciously crane and jay misspelled while far a covetous more a without mammoth however one yet disrespectful flamingo yet.

Eel sarcastic that alas lemming cockatoo soberly hey ocelot less sufficient danced less save some horse badger that pangolin alas snuffed that since suitably and grouped far wasp immensely hey hello therefore according cold wallaby tapir much wherever however the jeez and mounted conservatively nodded this save like darn after adequate a jay strictly much one after ouch meretricious muttered.

Lorikeet bound together and cat where much away more since underneath tentative generous far caribou more concise dear mallard wailed until temperate much next a found one goodness aardvark and mandrill maladroit specially goodhearted baboon blinked dug that krill nutria far however some orca revealed upon jeepers simply through so yikes athletic the however jeepers jeez adroitly forbidding dashingly according hurt felicitous blinked where after and irefully sheep in far this.

Burped found more caterpillar black handsomely much knelt as goat save less outran far misunderstood cobra whimpered porpoise single-minded respectfully circa cunningly the dolphin humbly oh whooped gosh far spat oh crud far owl jealous behind hung that towards reckless longingly the wow gosh that shed on hello well rat limpet gosh warthog the much salamander far hare hello a plankton directed crud but opposite stealthily much caribou hypocritical this bluebird goldfinch gazelle abortive.
You're right, SJR. The 2010 Dodd-Frank act was responsible for the 2008 financial collapse. Well researched and reasoned.
This is Obama's economy now. OWN THE FAILURE. Spending money we don't have on programs that don't work equals dogshit economics. I think I read that in Us Weekly or watched it on Entertainment Tonight, the media outlets Obama prefers as he ducks the tough questions he faces as a failed leader. You know, real hard-hitting news organizations interested in vetting both candidates for the highest office in America.

You want to hate W.? Great. That's your cross to bear (unless you're some whiny Atheist). I'm more inclined to think with my brain and considering from 2009-2011 it was all Democrat and then....... what? Oh yeah. Dodd/Frank. Affordable Care Act. MORE regulation like we needed it. Pissed many people off. Made a bad situation even worse. 3 1/2 years in and nothing for the people affected most by the recession except more welfare. Where is the prosperity for all? Even black people are getting pissed. Black people want jobs, too. They have the worst of the deal. Unemployment is high among young blacks. Why is that? Because liberals care so much about them? Yeah riiiiiight.

Dispute my claims all you want. I really don't give a fuck. Just remember, I will defend my positions and clown on you if you decide to lower yourself to that degree without bringing any relevant opinion of your own to the big boy table.
Seriously? I can't fucking go out to lunch without you guys doing shit like this? COMMENTS CLOSED.

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