
I thought about voting this year, only because I wanted to vote to legalize marijuana, and vote against the casino.

But then I remembered, thereā€™s a better chance of me winning Powerball on election day than my vote actually mattering during this election. So, on election day, instead of going to the post office to drop off my ballot, Iā€™m going to market and buying a lottery ticket. Then, Iā€™m going to the coin store and purchasing a 1 ounce gold coin, and then Iā€™m going to order a pistol (probably a Glock 23). Itā€™s going to be an expensive day for me, but Iā€™ve been planning this for a while.

Regardless of what happens during this election, and regardless of what the rest of the busy-bodies are doing, I will know that I spent my time that day looking out for myself and my future: the value of my gold coin is going to increase, the value of my pistol is going to increase, and thereā€™s a chance that I could win the lottery (very exciting!).
Republicans really, really want you to believe that your vote doesn't matter.
And the oligarchs really, really want you to believe that your vote does matter.
@Pete - Sorry to burst your bubble Pete, but I'm a Republican (life-long, always vote a straight R ticket.) I know this site is heavily populated with D's - *But*, the only reason this political system works (the best in the world I think,) is that people participate in the political process.

It's like the dollar since we went off the Gold Standard - it works, because people *believe* it works. If ever we quit believing in it, we'll fail as a country.

That is what makes us unique in the world, and is the basis of the notion of "American Exceptionalism." Yes, we've done some bad things - slavery, Jim Crow, the bombing of Dresden, My Lai. (Too long to list here..)

Where there is greatness, there is always the possibility of great wrongs being done. Especially if the men in charge lack morality. But, we have a generally free society that is allowed to change the National Course, if we feel it necessay.

I thought the USA would cease to exist when Obama was elected; I was sure we'd all be dressed in puffy green jackets, waving Obama's "Little Red Book." I was wrong.
The Republic lurches on, despite Obama... Yet, I am amazed at the jaded cynicism, and apathy shown here in some of the comments.

I am 54 years old, because of my military service (in Diplomatic Security) I have traveled extensively in this world. In many places I've been to, if one edition of this newspaper was printed in the tone that it is usually printed in - left of center, usually critical of sitting politicians - every employee - Editor, staff writers, graphics people, photographers, print shop people (even the poor schumck delivering the newspaper to it's stands) would be taken out and shot, summarily.

That is why we are different, that is why the notion of American Exceptionism is as true as the day WWII ended; We, as a nation, exemplifly the best of the human race. That is why we are different than everyone else.

I encourage everyone reading this to get your ass out and vote. Even if It's for Obama, who, by-the-by, is going to get his skinny ass kicked.

Don't worry folks, the Earth didn't quit spinning around the sun because Obama was elected - You'll get used to the term "President Romney".
@Jarhead - I think "American Exceptionalism" doesnā€™t mean what you think it means.…

Consider that half of this country doesn't vote. So, the majority has already jumped ship on this "democracy", it's just the few holding on (really the people who don't have a lifeboat) that make it seem like the USS Titanic warship will sail again. Just embrace the inevitable truth: this ship is sinking, there's nothing we can do, and we're going to be left out in a frozen ocean while a lot of people die. Itā€™s over, the federal reserve blew a big hole in the ship called ā€œQuantitative Easingā€, and the fat cats are laughing all the way to the bank while everyone gets more poor each year, we go into debt to fight a concept of ā€œterrorismā€, and the Constitution and Rights are perverted as often as possible. Thereā€™s nothing that can be done, itā€™s over, the United States is ruined, and itā€™s only going to get worse the longer you hang on. Accept it: you need to build a life boat so you can jump ship, you need to take care of yourself in this frozen ocean, and it doesnā€™t matter who we put at the helm of a sinking ship, nothing can be done to save the collective ā€œusā€.

Also, by ā€œparticipate in the political processā€ ā€“ what does that mean? Like lobbying city council to not join the JTTF, or not fluoridate the water ā€“ two issues where the overwhelming majority of citizens did not want the city to do, and yet the city did anyway? Having actually participated in Portland, Salem, and DCā€™s political processes, I can tell you with first hand that 1) there was only a very few number of people actually participating, 2) officials didnā€™t want citizen participation, 3) participation didnā€™t matter, and officials will do whatever they want regardless. So, I think youā€™re talking out your ass ā€“ or, youā€™re guessing how the system works because youā€™ve never been involved in it.

But hey, don't forget folks: Putin, Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, and so many others are elected year after year. Is this what Democracy looks like? Maybe we should all read more Thomas Jefferson before we continue.

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